Emotional Vulnerability: Why it's the Best Thing Ever

I was playing this game one time where someone says one word and you respond by saying the first word that comes to your mind. Well, at one point the person said to me “fear” and my response: “vulnerability.” Damn, we stopped playing the game after that. Just let that sink in, that’s what I fear, being vulnerable? That’s really the first thing that came to mind. I look back at that moment now and think about how sad that it is. How awful it seems that I fear myself being exposed physically and emotionally. More so emotional vulnerability, that’s what I would really like to discuss in this piece. Emotional vulnerability, my biggest fear, my largest insecurity in my life.
It’s goes something like this…you meet someone, you hit it off, you have your “honeymoon” and then they leave you. And this is not just in terms of romantic relationships, but all relationships, friends, family, the works. I find betrayal to be one of the worst actions a person can commit. And betrayal is the feeling most people experience at the end of relationships. After showing such emotional vulnerability, giving your whole entire heart to someone…you are dropped, almost as quickly as they found you, left betrayed. So, now how are you feeling? Not so great I’m betting, trust me I’ve been there, I understand. You took your heart, opened it up all the way, handed it to someone and they threw it in the garbage. You showed emotional vulnerability and it didn’t seem to pay off. And that’s why vulnerability is my biggest fear. It’s incredibly terrifying to show your truest self to another individual and get rejected. Being vulnerable and honest is extremely hard and requires an immense amount of effort and I think that’s why so many people struggle with it. Because at one point or another they put forth that effort and the end result was not a good one, in fact it was terrible; they were left defeated and hurt. And the only thing they had left to show, of what was once a beautiful relationship, was a broken heart.
Emotional vulnerability would normally lead me to an end result of resentment, but holding grudges and being angry is about the worst thing you can spend time doing. So, after many destroyed relationships, broken hearts, tears and anger I’ve come to a conclusion. Emotional vulnerability is the answer, not the problem. When you hide your emotions, and bottle up all your energy the result is never good, in fact it is more terrible then any broken heart. My most recent, current relationship has taught me a lot about myself and emotions in general. I’ve learned the single most important thing is honesty and talking over anything and everything that is on your mind. Speaking about happy topics as well as the heaviest issues is essential to creating and keeping a strong connection. For sake of this, I will refer to my “significant other” as “Everything” (this title was chosen for various reasons, when and if, he ever reads this will understand). So, Everything is one of those people that seems to continuously bring the best out in me and constantly improve me as a person. He forces me to speak on subjects and feelings that I normally wouldn’t share due to my past experiences. Now aside from him just being a genuinely good guy, he is also a person that I felt extremely comfortable around right from the beginning. This is a crucial part of being able to show emotional vulnerability, a person you can trust and feel safe around. Once you find that person you have to start talking, talking a lot and often.
Very recently Everything said this to me, “I feel that once someone experiences your vulnerable side is when they finally really know a lot about you.” And boy, there could not be a truer statement then that one right there. Being vulnerable shows a lot of the weaker more raw emotions of a person. The side of a person that they don’t normally show when out in public or just around acquaintances. So, when someone cries or screams or trembles in front of you that’s when you know, they are at their most vulnerable. And those emotions are the ones you should appreciate the most because now you truly know the individual. You have been acquainted with their vulnerable side, you know what makes them tick and what makes them tear up and that is a beautiful thing. Whether it’s anger or sadness, emotions such as those are what I like to call “open-heart emotions.” And Everything has made me realize that sharing your open-heart emotions can be a good thing, in fact it can be extremely liberating and freeing. As scary as it may seem initially, being emotionally vulnerable allows you to grow as a person. And as cliché as this may sound having your heart broken can be one of the best lessons in life.
So, I suggest making a change. Allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable because it might just be the best thing that you can do for yourself. Open your heart to anyone who you think you may have the chance to share love with in this life and see where the moment takes you. Emotional vulnerability, as terrifying as it may seem, has taught me so much about myself. And if you do not learn and know about yourself how do you ever expect to learn about another? Just this once, try putting yourself out there and see what happens. “You have to try. Because if you try, if you leap and you try, and it doesn’t work, it’s not on you” (Olivia Pope, Scandal). And when you aren’t the one carrying around heavy feelings and bottling up emotions you will feel so much better about yourself and life in general.

Though being emotionally vulnerable is still something I occasionally struggle with it is no longer one of my insecurities. I’ve learned that if I take control of my feelings rather than ignoring them or oppressing them, I can feel much more at ease. Sometimes relationships can be scary, but find the right person, put yourself in the proper mindset and trust me, things won’t be as hard as you once thought they were. “You don’t need to worry, it’s okay,” Everything said.