"You have to try, because if you try, if you leap and you try, and it doesn't work, it's not on you."
-Olivia Pope // Scandal

Someone very dear to my heart suggested I share my writing with others, so hello, here I am. My name is Maddie and I am extremely nervous about this new endeavor of starting a blog. But as the quote I have above says, you must leap. Sharing the most raw version of myself with the world is extremely nerve-racking, but it is undoubtedly a "leap." So, without further ado let me explain to you, my blog.

This blog is titled "Life in Crimson" because crimson is the color of blood. Blood equates to pain. Pain is love; and I love to write about love.

I find heartbreak and deep, dark emotions to be the most beautiful. I think there is a little darkness in everyone. So, if you are human, I have a feeling you will like what I have to say. Thank you and welcome to my mind. Xx

Email: madelinelmccartney@gmail.com